Sunday, September 4, 2011

I survived FanExpo!

FanExpo 2011 was an amazing improvement on last year's fiasco. Sure, they had way too many security guards herding people into lines everywhere, but it went very smoothly, and the lines passed very quickly. I'm glad they got their shrimp together.

With several costume changes on the schedule (and yes, I had created an Excel spreadsheet to remember where I had to be and when), it seems as though I barely had time to breathe. Thursday as soon as I arrived to the hotel (The Fairmont - that's a whole other blog entry...) I hopped into my Steampunk costume to participate in my very first Official discussion panel about Steampunk culture.
Picture by Convoke Photography

The panel went well, the discussion flowed freely, and the room was packed! I consider that a success. I then retired early because I've spent the last two weeks getting very little sleep trying to get everyone's costumes done. This ridiculousness has landed me something that resembles bronchitis.
Friday morning, I Steampunked up again for my second official discussion panel, this time regarding Steampunk fashion specifically. Once again, it was terrific, I was joined by the wonderful Lee Ann Ferruga (aka Countess Lenora, Queen of Steampunk), Adam Smith, Rob Emery and J.M. Frey. Each one brought their own take on Steampunk Fashion to the discussion which made for a very informative session. Friday afternoon, I slipped into something a little less comfortable - my Princess Jasmine costume. The wig weighing 5lbs makes this costume a little exhausting to wear for much longer than two or three hours, but I stuck it out.

picture by Rob Emery

Saturday morning, I dressed as Princess Jasmine again for reasons beyond my own comprehension and logic. There was little 4 year old Shayla who asked so nicely for a picture with me... and then asked me to prove that I was the real Jasmine. I proved it to her the only way I know! I sang a few bars from "A Whole New World". Everyone knows that you identify a real princess by her singing abilities. She was convinced.
Saturday afternoon, I changed into my Inara costume (from Firefly / Serenity). One final costume change for the 6pm Steampunk photoshoot at the Steamwhistle Brewery. The train engineer was kind enough to let us have our own photo shoot! Saturday there was a reception-type shindig that I wasn't feeling well enough to attend for more than a few minutes.

Pictures by Rob Emery

Sunday I dressed as Deanna Troi, most certainly my most comfortable costume yet. It's a bodysuit and a skirt. I could live in that outfit! At noon, I got to meet (very very briefly) and have my picture taken with the Marina Sirtis - Counselor Troi herself. It was a magical moment. I have yet to scan the photo... it will come eventually. Half an hour before the end of the convention, my friend alerted me to a vendor that may have the STNG pin that I had been trying to hunt down for a while now. Sure enough, the vendor had one, and it was a very reasonable price! He looked rather shady, dealing his communicator pins and other badges from plastic bins, but I got my pin!!! I then returned home Monday and froze my aeronautics off on the train. It was arctic, and I had forgotten my mukluks. Tuesday morning, I was back at the "grind" working on the costumes for the upcoming production of Cavaliera Rustica and Pagliacci being put on at the NAC. We've all been working our little tukkas off, and we even got a couple tickets each so that we can go see the opera ourselves! Since I've never been {GASP!} I'm getting all dressed up. I don't care if it's just their dress rehearsal. Dupioni silk dress is coming out of the closet!

Last night... I made a tiny Rockabilly dress that could fit a four-year-old. It's black with orange flames on it. Tonight, I made a cupcake out of felt. And now I'm going to bed.

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